Carrie Bryant, MD


Dr. Bryant is a pediatric resident physician at Brown University's Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, RI. She graduated summa cum laude from Middlebury College and earned her medical degree from Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine. Following residency, Dr. Bryant plans to pursue fellowship training in pediatric rheumatology. Her research interests are in understanding and improving the challenges that young patients with chronic illnesses face as they transition from pediatric to adult-focused care. Dr. Bryant was diagnosed with MS as a teenager and, while her illness was an unexpected challenge, it has provided her with valuable insight into a patient's perspective and has even served as a motivation to pursue a career in medicine. Since her own diagnosis, Dr. Bryant has enjoyed working with providers and patients in the MS community: she has conducted basic science research in a neuro-immunology laboratory and has spearheaded several fundraising campaigns to support MS research programs. She has also worked directly with patients by leading workshops for children with MS, establishing an online support network for young adults with MS, and co-authoring a guidebook to help adolescents with MS navigate life after high school. She is delighted to participate in this project and looks forward to offering her perspective as a patient and a physician to the establishment of the brain bank which will be used to galvanize MS research forward.